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SASS presents: Lysistrata

Shakespeare Society presents: Lysistrata

6. Juni 2020
Beginn: 19:30 Uhr
Ende ca. 22:00 Uhr
Eintritt frei
Hörsaal A am Campus Uni Wien
SPitalgasse 2-4
1090 Wien


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Event Kontakt

  • 01427717623

Going back to the roots of theatre, the Students Acting (not only) Shakespeare Society (SASS) is proud to present the ancient Greek comedy Lysistrata by Aristophanes.

Set during the Peloponnesian War, the play features a group of Greek and Spartan women who unite over their hatred for the war and the effects it has on their lives and relationships. They decide to refuse the men access to the Acropolis, where the funds for the war are stored and to stop having sex with their husbands or lovers until they get a say in politics and peace is induced.


Preise ohne Gewähr.
  • Eintritt frei

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